

To celebrate the School Day of Non Violence and Peace, the teachers in charge of the "Escuela Espacio de Paz" Project have organized several events, some of which have been conducted in English. The most important one is "The Tree of Good Wishes".
ESO students have written their wishes about peace and they have decorated with them one of the trees in the playgound, as if they were leaves, flowers and fruits. Some of the wishes have been translated into English and made public to everybody when the students booted their computers.
See the pictures below.

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Some of the sentences the students have written are:
- Peace costs much, but it's worth the effort
- Either we all walk together towards peace or we'll never find it
- To be at peace with oneself is the best way to be at peace with others
- The more we sweat in times of peace, the less we bleed in times of war
- It's impossible to shake hands with a closed fist

To conclude, here is one of the songs the students have listened to during the week to protest against wars and call for peace everywhere. The song is called "People are People" by Depeche Mode.

People are people

So why should it be

You and I should get

Along so awfully

People are people

So why should it be

You and I should get

Along so awfully

So we're different colours

And we're different creeds

And different people have different needs

It's obvious you hate me

Though I've done nothing wrong

I've never ever met you so what could I have done

I can't understand

What makes a man

Hate another man

Help me understand

People are people...

Help me understand

Help me understand

Now you're punching

And you're kicking

And you're shouting at me

I'm relying on your common decency

So far it hasn't surfaced

But I'm sure it exists

It just takes a while to travel

From your head to your fists

2 comentarios:

Rafael Jiménez dijo...

What a wonderful idea this about
the Tree of Good Wishes!. Peace and love.

Rafael Jiménez dijo...

How a wonderful idea this of "The Tree of Good Wishes"!. Peace and love.